New Month Journal Prompts for Goal Setting
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Last Updated on October 19, 2023
Looking to step up your goal setting for the new month? These quick but impactful new month journal prompts will ensure that next month is more organized than the last!
Stepping into day one of a new month is the perfect opportunity to get things together! (Just take a look at my suuuuper detailed monthly RESET routine!). As you reflect on the past month and prepare to dive into the next, these new month journal prompts are everything you need to goal-set for the next 30 days.
If you’re sitting down at the end of the month knowing you want the next month to go smoother, it really helps to plan ahead and reflect on what you truly want out of the new month. Take this opportunity to regain your focus and be really intentional about what you want to accomplish in the coming weeks.
And let this serve as a reminder that you don’t need to wait around until New Years to set goals! Reviewing the place you’re currently at and setting goals in smaller benchmarks throughout the year can be far more effective.
In fact, would you say things are different right now than they were back on January 1st? If so, now’s the time to revise any long-term goals you might have had for the year and fine tune them to match up with where you’re at.
Consider both your short-term and long-term goals and plan for the new month accordingly!
Without further ado, here are 7 journal prompts that will get you well-prepared for the new month ahead!
Monthly Reflection Questions to Set Up Your Month
1. What is your main focus/intention this month?
Before we dive into anything else, you need to know what your overall intention or focus should be for the new month. This will guide your goals, decision-making, and mindset. Do you need more balance? Do you need a little push to stay productive? Or did you overwork yourself last month and need to prioritize more self care?
2. What are this month’s non-negotiables?
What things do you absolutely need to get done this month? Any principles you need to live by to protect your wellbeing? Do you need to set more boundaries or be more present? Think about everything that is an absolute MUST this month! Allow these to be at the forefront of your mind throughout the month.
{RELATED: 60 Monday Journal Prompts for Starting Your Week With Intention}
3. Brain dump all the tasks to complete this month
Chances are, you probably have a million things to do over the span of the next 30 days. Whether that’s doctor’s appointments, car maintenance, books you’d like to read, friends you’ve been meaning to meet up with….the list goes on! You might not catch everything all in one go, but jot down anything and everything that comes to mind right now.
Featured Journal: The Goal Planner
Science says 92% of people don’t achieve their goals. After using this goal planner, it’ll be crystal clear why. (And how you can be the 8% who does!)
My Printable Goal Planner gives you the best strategy to brainstorm, plan, AND effectively achieve the right goals for your life!
4. What are you most excited for this month?
What will be the highlight of the month? Any fun plans–big or small? As you think ahead, consider what will energize you and make the new month worth looking forward to! Or maybe it’s something you can subtract, like a well-deserved day off or the opportunity for less busy mornings.
These New Month Affirmations will help you refresh your mindset and get motivated for a fresh start! You can browse through them for ideas to get excited about.
5. What are you least excited for this month?
Is there anything you’d rather not think about in the upcoming month? Something you’re dreading? Take the chance to let all your feelings out about it.
Explore why this thing is a source of stress or unpleasant anticipation. Trust me, you’ll feel much better if you address and work through the dread instead of pushing it away or bottling it up!
6. What do you need more of this month?
Becoming aware of anything you’re missing is so important. If there’s something in your life that’s lacking in any way, consider how you can seek more of that out.
Do you need more time for yourself? More fun and memory-making? More time to get in touch with your passions? Whatever it may be, create a game plan for how you can gain what you’re yearning for.
{RELATED: 70 Easy and Fun Journal Prompts for Beginners}
7. What do you need to release before entering the new month?
Did you notice anything that bothered you last month? Bad habits, negative thought processes, things that people said or did to you?
Reflect on the things that have upset you or hindered you recently, take some deep breaths, and let go of it all with each exhale. Writing down some positive affirmations and speaking them out loud to myself helps me a lot when I want to release the bad and invite in more of the good! Try these affirmations for letting go.
Pro tip: If you’re juggling a ton of tasks, struggling to keep your life organized, AND trying to stay on track with your goals…don’t try to manage your schedule by yourself!
You need to make sure you’re optimizing your time in the best way possible. But what even is “the best way possible”?
Well, you don’t need to waste time figuring that out when the Motion app can literally do it for you.
If you’re sick of feeling like there just aren’t enough hours in the day, Motion can fix that by:
- Automated scheduling that plans your day for you – this app knows exactly how to schedule your daily tasks FOR YOU, in a way that’s most productive for you and your lifestyle.
- Handling emergencies – Motion rearranges everything automatically so that urgent pop-up tasks don’t screw up your day…or your sanity!
- Being a game-changer for ADHD – anyone with ADHD knows the agony of identifying what to prioritize. Motion takes the guesswork out of time management, so you know exactly what to do next!
Motion is the game-changer your schedule has been begging for, so why not give it a shot and lighten your load?
Monthly Reset Journal Prompts for Goal Setting
And there you have it: new month journal prompts for setting your next month up for success! Here’s to a new month, new goals, new opportunities!
Add these prompts to your monthly routine and I promise you’ll be feeling energized, motivated, and inspired to take on what’s in store for next month.
Have a fantastic month!
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