inner child quotes

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  1. I loved reading through your website, specifically the inner healing of the child within. I see a therapist every week online. This therapist is new for me because I moved. I left behind a therapist who worked with me for over 17 years. I know about the little girl in me, and we worked many years to heal. Being in a new environment now, feelings and behaviors are resurfacing. I have been journaling daily for over 30 years. I am grateful to you for sharing about how important it is to journal. I’m here today because of a dream I had 2 hours ago. I felt the need to write it down. In doing so, I saw lots of connections between my little girl and how I have been conditioned to feel and behave. I couldn’t have done this without journaling. As I was writing, things became much more clear to me. Journaling works! And of course, coupled with therapy, it can lead to a lot of healing. God bless you in your work.

    1. This was so lovely to read! I’m happy to hear that journaling has helped you so much. Kudos to you for sticking to it daily for over 30 years, wow. Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot to hear that my work has had a positive impact.