250 Peaceful Affirmations for Overthinking
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Last Updated on August 11, 2022
Is the tendency to overthink getting the best of you? If you seem to overanalyze every little detail and ruminate on the worst case scenario, it really sucks! Getting out of the overthinking trap isn’t always easy, but it’s so very necessary.
Overthinking, especially when it comes to things outside our control, hardly ever helps us. So how can you stop overthinking in its tracks? One way is to shift your mindset. The easiest way to do so is through the use of affirmations for overthinking.
In this post you’ll find:
- Affirmations for overthinking the future
- Affirmations for overthinking the past
- Affirmations to not care what others think
- Affirmations for overthinking work
- Affirmations for overthinking and negative thoughts
- Affirmations for obsessive thoughts
This post is all about affirmations for overthinking.
List Of 250 Affirmations To Stop Overthinking
Affirmations for overthinking the future
- The future will work out in my favor.
- I am on the right track.
- I am setting myself up for future success.
- I will be able to overcome future obstacles, just like I’ve overcome past obstacles.
- I am capable of handling what the future brings.
- My future is bright and I welcome it.
- All I can do is accept what the future has in store for me.
- I will be able to solve, or at least cope with, future challenges.
- I release the need to control what happens.
- I can create the life I want.
- I know that worrying will not change the future.
- There will only be room for improvement from here on out.
- Today is a good day, and tomorrow will be even better.
- Things always turn out for the best in the end.
- I can cross any bridge.
- I welcome miracles and abundance into my life.
- Whatever knowledge I need will be revealed to me when the time is right.
- The best part of life can be found in the present moment.
- I am ready and open to receive change.
- The lessons I’ve learned have equipped me for the future.
- I can take on anything the future throws at me courageously.
- Things often don’t turn out to be as scary as we think they will.
- Overthinking something in the future will only make me feel like I’ve been through it twice.
- I have everything I need to achieve everything I want.
- The best is yet to come.
- I have so much to live for and look forward to.
- I know exactly where I’m going.
- I will have the energy to handle whatever tomorrow brings.
- Even if it seems impossible right now, I can get through it when the time comes.
- Tomorrow is a fresh new start.
- Feeling overwhelmed the night before doesn’t mean I’ll feel just as overwhelmed the next morning.
- If today goes bad, there is always tomorrow.
- I embrace and accept change.
- I am ready for the next big thing.
- I open up doors of opportunity.
- Each new day is a new opportunity to get closer to the best version of myself.
- I don’t need to have it all figured out.
- I can just take life one day at a time.
- I’m not afraid of the future.
- I am optimistic about the future.
- There will be light at the end of the tunnel.
- I know where I’m headed and I’m ready for what lies ahead.
Like positive affirmations? Get them as cards!

A physical reminder of positive vibes is even more effective for improving your mindset! Grab this deck of 40 printable affirmation cards and bring these affirmations to life. Use them as journal prompts, stick ‘em on your mirror for an everyday reminder, or get creative and turn them into a vision board or collage on your wall!
Affirmations for overthinking the past
- The past does not define my current place in life.
- I don’t have control over the past, but I have control over my present actions.
- I can move on from anything negative or traumatic in my past.
- The past may have had an impact on me, but I am in control of how I respond to it.
- I never have to go back to negative past experiences again.
- I am free from the past.
- The past is behind me. Here’s to the present!
- I am capable of staying grounded in the present and not stuck in the past.
- I am accepting everything that has happened.
- The past has provided me with lessons essential for my growth.
- I am releasing all past issues and worries.
- I am always improving and evolving.
- I forgive myself for anything that occurred in the past.
- I choose to live free of regrets.
- The past is over and done with.
- Moving on is absolutely possible.
- I can sit with thoughts of the past comfortably, knowing they are behind me.
- The mistakes I’ve made in the past have only helped me learn and grow.
- I am only getting stronger.
- All is well in my current world.
- I choose to be present and live in the moment.
- It is easier in the end to let go than to hold on.
- Everything that has happened in my life has served me in some way.
- I made it out alive.
- My gratitudes are what keep me going in the present.
- I do not blame myself for anything.
- I am releasing any guilt.
- I live consciously aware of every moment.
- I didn’t lose any time, it is never too late to start again.
- I have it within me to heal from the past.
- What’s done is done and I will keep on moving.
- Life’s journey changes me for the better.
- I don’t allow circumstances to dictate the person I am.
- Time really does heal wounds.
{RELATED: 40 Trauma Healing Journal Prompts}
Is overthinking a regular struggle for you? Talking to an online therapist can really help you out. I know it helped me tremendously with my overthinking! I always recommend Online Therapy because it’s a comprehensive, effective online therapy toolkit at an affordable monthly cost. Click below to get 20% off your first month of therapy!
Affirmations to not care what others think
- If someone has a negative opinion of me, that’s a reflection of them. Not me.
- People’s opinions are not facts.
- The way I view myself carries more value than the way others view me.
- I know myself better than anyone does.
- Someone’s opinion of me will likely not matter in months or a year from today.
- I am free to do anything despite what others think of me.
- People are paying more attention to themselves than they are to me.
- I love myself unconditionally and that is the number one thing that matters.
- I approve of myself, and my approval matters most.
- I do not need others’ approval.
- I am safe to speak up for myself.
- I am not afraid of my own voice.
- I deserve to protect myself.
- I deserve to put myself first.
- It is okay to fill my cup before tending to the needs of others.
- I do not have to prove myself to anyone.
- There is no need to impress anyone.
- My self-evaluation holds the greatest weight of all.
- I am a work in progress and so is everyone else.
- I am at home in my body.
- I won’t give up doing the things I am passionate about because of others.
- I have my own path and they have theirs.
- I don’t need to live my life in accordance with anyone else’s expectations.
- All that matters is that I am proud of myself.
- I will work toward my own dreams and aspirations, not someone else’s.
- How others see me is not an accurate representation of who I truly am.
- Caring what others think is not worth my energy.
- I am a source of joy and positivity.
- I deserve to surround myself only with like-minded people.
- I am a good-hearted person.
- I know who I really am and who I’m really meant to be.
- My self-esteem and confidence is stronger than people’s beliefs about me.
- It’s not my problem if someone has a problem with me.
- If someone lashes out at me, it doesn’t have anything to do with me.
- I am learning in my own way.
- I don’t need to be liked by everyone.
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Affirmations for overthinking work
- I am capable of the work I do.
- I won’t let imposter syndrome hold me back.
- If I’m in a bad job, I won’t be stuck in it forever.
- I am doing a good job.
- I am more than my work.
- My identity is not tied up in what I do for work.
- Work is just part of my life, it is not my whole life.
- There is more to me than my job.
- My contributions at work are highly valuable.
- I deserve a healthy work environment.
- I deserve a job I’m happy at.
- I am deserving of raises, promotions, or anything else I am trying to pursue.
- I can do any line of work I set my mind to.
- I am proactive.
- I can solve all work-related challenges.
- I am able to stay on top of my work.
- I prioritize my work-life balance.
- My job will provide me financial stability.
- My job will provide me security.
- I am doing all the right things to draw myself closer to the right career for me.
- My worth and value is so high.
- I’ve got this.
- I am ready to experience great success.
- Success doesn’t need to be what society defines it as.
- It is up to me to create my own definition of success as I deem fit.
- I don’t need to fit the mold.
- No one else has my exact same unique abilities.
- No matter what, I will always succeed.
- There is no need to be afraid of failure.
- There are no failures, only setbacks.
- There is no rush to achieve something in my career at a certain time. It will come when the time is right.
- I am deserving of financial abundance.
- I possess many gifts and talents.
- Self doubt has no place in my life.
- I am self-motivated, which brings me far.
- My positive attitude attracts success.
- My work life is full of new opportunities.
- I am good at taking action to get myself where I want to be.
- I can cope with work stress.
- As long as I work toward my goals, I can achieve them.
- It is okay to take risks sometimes.
- I am able to handle rejection.
Affirmations for overthinking and negative thoughts
- Negative thoughts are temporary and will pass.
- I am replacing each negative thought with a positive one.
- Negative thoughts will not hold me back from going for what I want.
- Negative thoughts have no hold on me.
- I am breathing in positivity and exhaling negativity.
- Good things can and do happen to me.
- I am enough.
- I am capable and confident.
- I have so much potential.
- I have so much to be grateful for.
- Negative thoughts will come and go.
- I am not weak for having negative thoughts. They happen to everyone.
- It is okay to have negative thoughts sometimes, but I have the power to overcome them.
- I can weigh the evidence on whether or not a negative thought is true.
- My mind is calm and at ease.
- I embody a peaceful state.
- I am letting go and trusting the process.
- My negative thoughts do not serve me, therefore I am releasing them.
- I am focused and don’t let disruptions get the best of me.
- I know that worrying will have no impact on the outcome.
- I do not need to worry about things I cannot control.
- I have the power to make all the necessary changes in my life.
- It is only a thought, and thoughts can be changed.
- Maybe I don’t know. And maybe that’s okay.
- I don’t need to have all the answers.
- Situations don’t need to be labeled good or bad, they can be a mix.
- When I am at peace with myself, I attract all the good things into my life.
- I am a calm and relaxed person.
- I am a level headed and rational person.
- I am guided through every step of my journey.
- I am blessed.
- I am loved and accepted just as I am.
- Miracles can happen at any time.
- I can overcome negative core beliefs.
- I stay focused on the positive.
- I speak kindly to myself.
- I am able to find the good in every situation.
- I can cope with any stress.
- I trust myself and have full faith in myself.
- I can always pick myself back up and try again.
- I have a purpose for being here and I will discover it.
{RELATED: 42 Journal Prompts for When You’re Overwhelmed}
Affirmations for obsessive thoughts
- I am letting go of my obsessive thoughts.
- I challenge improbable thoughts.
- I am only under the influence of myself.
- This will not break me.
- I am safe and protected.
- I have authority over my obsessive thoughts.
- My obsessive thoughts do not control me.
- It is okay to be imperfect.
- I am releasing all expectations of the need to be perfect.
- I will act on my true intuition, not on my obsessive thoughts.
- I am ultimately in control of my mind.
- I do not need to give into obsessive urges. I will be just fine.
- I am stronger than my thoughts.
- I don’t have to solve everything right now. I can come back to it.
- I am at total peace within myself.
- I have the power to beat anxiety, overthinking, and obsessive thoughts.
- I am not ruled by ANY obsessive thought.
- My happy thoughts encourage the overall health of my body.
- I am in the process of positive change.
- Everything will truly be okay.
- I will look at the evidence to support each negative thought and see if it is accurate.
- Just because my mind tells me something doesn’t mean I have to believe it.
- I am whole and complete.
- Making mistakes is okay and only human.
- I am the master of my life.
- I have the ability to reframe obsessive thoughts into rational ones.
- My fears will only be based on evidence, not assumptions.
- My obsessive thinking is not reality.
- I am right on schedule.
- I am at peace with myself.
- I am in harmony with everything in my life at the moment.
- I release any anger.
- I am able to put my mind at ease.
- Sometimes things just happen, and obsessing over them won’t change it.
- I can resist compulsive urges.
- Intrusive thoughts don’t make me a bad person.
- I control unwanted behaviors.
- I am in charge of my thoughts, they are not in charge of me.
- I have a strong will.
- My determination allows me to overcome obsessive thinking.
- When an obsessive thought comes along, I acknowledge it and let it pass.
- I can separate my true beliefs from my obsessive, irrational thoughts.
- I respect myself and my mind.
- I am doing my best, even when that includes highs and lows.
- I am doing a good job at managing my anxieties.
- I can solve my problems.
- I am living a calm and peaceful life both physically and inside my head.
- I am ridding my mind of obsessive thoughts.
- I will not be weighed down by my thoughts.
- The more I release my obsessive thoughts, the lighter I will feel.
- I can feel the panic and anxiety leaving my body.
- I am consciously relaxing each part of my body along with my mind.
- I absolutely can live a life free of obsessive thoughts.
- I can do hard things.
- I may not have total control, but I have more control than I realize.
What triggers overthinking?
While overthinking in and of itself is not a recognized mental illness, it can be a symptom of disorders such as anxiety, eating disorders, and PTSD.
Overthinking is often triggered by the assumption that fixating and worrying is somehow productive. By directing your energy toward overthinking about something, you feel like you’re doing something to address the concern you’re overthinking about.
You might feel like you’re preparing yourself for the worst outcome, or showing that you care about what’s going on. Doing this enough will form it into a habit.
How to Stop Overthinking in 5 Easy Steps
Next time you get stuck in the cycle of overthinking, try going through these steps to stop it:
- Ground yourself through mindfulness – Focus on the here and now. Pay conscious attention to the way your body feels, your breath, and what you can identify with your senses. If your mind drifts away from this present moment, gently bring it back without any judgment.
- Use perspective – Things always feel more intense from our first-person perspective. See how you can “disassociate” by changing your perspective as if you were on the outside looking in. How would you approach a friend who is going through what you’re experiencing?
- Do a brain dump in your journal – If a million thoughts are running through your head, you need to release them. A great way to do so is to just dump those thoughts out of your head and onto paper by doing a brain dump! Anything that comes to mind, just write it down.
- Distract yourself – This doesn’t mean to avoid, it simply means to come back to things later. If you’re overthinking about a daunting event coming up, but you’ve already done everything you can to prepare, do healthy, positive activities that will distract you from the anticipation.
- Turn to your support network – Aside from using these affirmations for overthinking, it can also help to vent to loved ones and confide in them when you’re struggling. They can give you a fresh perspective or at least lend a listening ear.
How to Use Affirmations for Overthinking
The most important factor in using affirmations for overthinking is that you must believe in the affirmation you’re speaking/writing. Research shows that affirmations are most effective when you truly believe them, or can at least begin to get on board with the message.
Ideally, the affirmations you choose to use should align with your core values and beliefs. If you believe that you’re capable of being calm, even if you’re in the middle of an overthinking fit, then you can overcome the overthinking and move toward peace.
Do affirmations help anxiety?
Yes, indeed. Affirmations for overthinking can quiet the self doubt, stress, and panic that often accompanies anxiety. Practicing affirmations can help fight insecurity because you’re boosting your opinion of yourself and instilling confidence that you are capable of achieving your goals.
If you feel comfortable and confident with yourself and your abilities, your anxiety will lessen. Being able to avert your attention away from overthinking and toward a sense of calm and control will ease your worries.
Why Affirmations Are Important for Overthinking
You might be overanalyzing what you said in that job interview. Or worrying about the outcome of that text you sent. Whatever you’re overthinking about, the act of overthinking is rarely ever productive or helpful. Especially when it’s something beyond your control.
We have to learn to accept what we can’t control. And although this can be way easier said than done, affirmations can help you get there.
The major benefit of affirmations is that they transform our negative self-talk into positive self-talk. These affirmations for overthinking will help you find peace and guide you toward looking at the situation more positively and rationally.
This post was all about affirmations for overthinking.
Psst…make sure you’re making time for self care! My (free!) daily self care check in sheet gives you the chance to see how you’re feeling each morning and night. Grab it below!
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