The Perfect (and Do-able!) Self Love Bucket List
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Last Updated on August 29, 2022
You probably know that self love boosts your mental health. Problem is, life gets in the way of us taking time for ourselves as much as we should. But, you know, it’s funny that we say that. Because when life gets chaotic, that’s when we need to show ourselves self love the MOST!
Let’s face the facts: it’s impossible to pour from an empty cup. When you feel taken care of and all your needs are met, you’re much better equipped to share the love and care with those around you.
So if you’re stumped for ideas to prioritize self love, I’ve got you covered with this self love bucket list! Following these ideas will help you feel recharged, confident, and in a much better place.
Practicing Self Love Can Be As Easy As…
- Spending 20 minutes reading outside
- Creating a simple morning routine
- A quick journal entry
- Taking a nap
- A short nature walk
If you like self love bucket list ideas like these, keep reading for more!
Unique Self Love Bucket List Ideas
Buy yourself flowers
Who says you have to wait around for someone else to buy you flowers? You deserve them! Flowers are a lovely self love gesture to make you feel good and to make your home look nice, so it’s a double-win in my book! There’s so many pretty bouquets out there, you can experiment with what you like!
Nurture your spiritual side
Of all the wellness things, many people tend to overlook their spiritual wellness the most. I’ve been prioritizing this facet lately and it has really helped me get in touch with my values! Try exploring different (maybe even new!) topics and practices of spirituality. Whatever resonates with you, whether it’s praying, manifesting, or affirming your faith, dive into it!
{RELATED: 40 Spiritual Journal Prompts to Dive Into Your Spirituality}
Listen to a self love playlist
Either create your own, or if you don’t know what songs to pick, find one on Spotify! I love to listen to upbeat, positive music that makes me feel like a bad b**ch. Honestly, give it a try and dance around your room while you’re at it! You’ll feel empowered for sure.
Try this self love playlist below!
Take yourself on a date
I keep seeing the concept of “dating yourself” all over Tik Tok, and I think it’s a great practice to add to your self love bucket list. So take yourself on a date! Ice cream, coffee, brunch, or whatever you’re feeling–dress up nice and treat yourself. Bask in the way it feels to spend quality alone time.
Things For a Self Love Bucket List
Journal daily (even just a few minutes!)
Building a daily journal habit can seem daunting or unrealistic, but you’d be surprised at how doable it is if you keep it short n’ sweet. You don’t have to deep-dive into 30 whole minutes of trauma each time. Just a quick 5-minute reflection at some point during the day really makes a giant impact on your mood.
I have a printable mental health journal that’s perfect for this! With 30+ worksheets, you can spend just a few minutes each day going through the journal at your own pace. No rush! By the end of it, you’ll have a better understanding of your emotions, tools to overcome unhelpful behaviors, and know how to reframe negative thoughts.
Spend time in nature
Nature can really be so soothing. Exposure to it has been linked to tons of benefits, like improved attention, lower stress, and better mood. If you’re anything like me, you feel much more “at home” when surrounded by the peace and quiet of a forest instead of a bustling city. Even if you don’t think you’re a big nature person, there’s no harm in giving it a shot and seeing how you feel afterwards!
Go on a social media detox for the weekend
I think we could ALL benefit from this self love bucket list idea, no matter how good of a self care routine we have! Taking a two-day social media detox is a good way to take a break from the self-comparison trap of comparing ourselves to everything we see on our social feeds. It also frees up more time to do actual FUN things that make you feel good!
Eat your favorite food
Life is about balance, and I think that should include being able to eat your favorite foods without guilt. Whether you grab takeout from your favorite place, or you take the time to cook up your favorite meal, make sure to savor every bite, slow down, and enjoy it!
{RELATED: 100 Affirmations for Body Image to Achieve Acceptance}
Watch the sunrise
Getting up at 5am is no easy feat, but when you can manage to make it happen, it is SO worth it to soak in the sunrise on a quiet morning before the world starts moving for the day. Below is my favorite sunrise I’ve ever witnessed off the coast of Portland, Maine. I’m so glad I didn’t miss it! Trust me, this is a must to add to your self love bucket list.
Practice positive affirmations
Positive affirmations provide more benefit than you might realize. MRI research actually shows that affirmations change our neural pathways. When you practice affirmations, you are basically retraining your brain to think more positively and opt for positive self talk over negative self talk.
That is seriously helpful for self love!!
I made affirmations easy with my deck of 40 printable affirmation cards you can grab right here. A physical reminder of positive vibes is even more effective for improving your mindset! Use them as journal prompts, stick ‘em on your mirror for an everyday reminder, or get creative and turn them into a vision board or collage on your wall.
Self Love Bucket List Activities
Go on an adventure
I’ll leave this self love bucket list idea open to interpretation! But this could be anything. You can plan a weekend getaway, a trip to a new restaurant in town, or walk around your area and see where you end up! This is a great way to get outside of your typical routine and spend time with yourself or someone you love.
Romanticize your life through gratitude
If your life feels mundane, maybe you’ve never tried romanticizing all the good parts of it. Even the little things, like taking the extra time to make yourself an appealing breakfast, can absolutely be romanticized and make your day feel a little more special.
The best way to start romanticizing your life is by practicing gratitude! My printable gratitude journal is a great place to start. It’s jam-packed with thought-provoking gratitude journal prompts and activities to incorporate gratitude each day and develop life-changing positive habits!
Read a personal development book
There are so many personal development books out there for anything you could possibly want to achieve. From personal finance, to self care, to mental health, to navigating young adulthood, you’ll find something new to learn and apply to your life! You’ve gotta see my list of the must-buy self help books to read in your 20s for inspo!
Go to therapy
Therapy can be intimidating and also, let’s face it, expensive. While it is an investment, I can easily say it’s the best investment I’ve ever made in my self care and mental health journey–honestly. Having someone help you on your SPECIFIC problems, instead of just dishing out generic advice, is worth every penny.
If you need a solid, more affordable option for therapy, I always recommend Online Therapy because it’s a comprehensive, effective online therapy toolkit at a reasonable monthly cost. Make it a little easier to access this invaluable resource by getting 20% off your first month at the link below!
More Self Love Ideas
The Best Gratitude Journal Template for Instant Happiness
Self Care for Introverts: 16 Ways to Recharge Your Social Battery
52 Journal Prompts for Self Love to Empower Yourself
30 Day Mental Wellness Challenge for Serious Self-Improvement