90 December Journal Prompts for a Busy Month
Last Updated on December 3, 2024
With the year wrapping up and the Christmas season in full swing, it’s no surprise your December might be JAM PACKED with a lot to do! But when you find some time to slow down a bit, December is the perfect time for self-reflection.
So…good thing you found these December journal prompts!
Not only should you take time to do a brain dump in your journal when you’re overwhelmed with all the holiday festivities, but you should also reflect on all the twists and turns this year brought you.
In the last twelve months, you’ve likely grown and changed in some way. Recognizing those changes will be a great insight!
Using a journal to check in with myself during busy seasons in my life is a non-negotiable.
Gearing up for the holidays? You’ll appreciate these December writing prompts!
While the holidays can be super fun, they can also be draining and overwhelming. We could all use a little check-in with ourselves to see how good of a handle we have on holiday stress around Christmas time.
So if you could use a little bit of year-end reflection, December journal prompts to reflect on the month, and Christmas/holiday writing prompts, I’ve got you covered!
Don’t forget about these December journal prompts! Pin ’em to come back!

December Journal Ideas for Writing Prompts
Self care and taking the time to reflect can do you wonders during this busy holiday season! Follow these December journal prompts to check in with yourself this month.
- How do you feel about December?
- How do you feel about the winter?
- Do you experience things like low mood, low motivation, and sluggishness in the winter months? What causes these?
- What are your goals for this month?
- How have you changed and grown in the last 12 months?
- What would you like to achieve next year?
- How well did you prioritize your self care this year?
- What is one self care activity you want to do more of next year?
- What is one small change you can make to improve your mental health next year?
- What do you want most out of this month?
RELATED: December Self Care: 20 Ideas to Calm the Hustle and Bustle
Want to improve your mental health during these sluggish winter days?

Struggling with anxious thoughts? Feel stuck in fight-or-flight? Just want to get better at managing life’s daily stressors? (Hey, you’re not alone!) This journal is for you.
By the end of this journal, you’ll…
December Journal Prompts for Adults
I’ve noticed it can be challenging to find journal prompts geared toward adults instead of kids. That’s why I made these December daily prompts! They consider the more “adult” perspectives and experiences we have.
- What do you appreciate most about Christmas from an adult perspective?
- What makes Christmas special to you?
- How are you really doing with the stress of Christmas planning? (gift buying, decorating, family gatherings, etc.)
- What are you doing different this year for Christmas?
- Does anything distract you from the true meaning/intention of Christmas?
- Is Christmas stressful for you? Why or why not?
- What are you looking forward to most about Christmas this year?
- Which people are you looking forward to spending time with?
- What is a childhood Christmas tradition that you still keep today?
- What is your favorite gift you’re giving to someone this year?
Psst…want more Christmas-specific prompts? Check out my 50 Cozy Christmas Journal Prompts for Adults!
Holiday Writing Prompts for Adults
- Is it harder for you to make time for yourself during the holiday season? Why?
- What is the most stressful part of the holiday season?
- What is the most enjoyable part of the holiday season?
- Do you experience financial stress during the holidays? If so, how do you cope?
- How does your holiday season look now compared to your childhood?
- How have your feelings surrounding the holidays changed from childhood to now?
- What is a mistake you’ve made during past holidays that you won’t make again?
- As you look beyond the end of the year, what makes you feel most motivated/hopeful about next year?
- How can you give yourself more grace when your holiday season doesn’t go perfectly according to plan?
- Which Christmas affirmations could you use to help you get through the difficulties of the holidays?
- Looking back on the year, what are you most proud of?
RELATED: Holiday Self Care Checklist: 12 Days of Caring For Yourself
Mindful December Journal Prompts for Mental Health
With 38% of people feeling the increased stress of the holiday season, checking in with yourself is more important than ever right now! Use these December journal writing prompts to find ways to practice mindfulness and take care of yourself.
- Reflect on a specific aroma related to the holidays that makes you feel good. Describe your memories surrounding the scent.
- If you could sit down with a cup of hot cocoa to chat with your childhood self, what advice would you give them?
- What activities can you do this December to connect with your inner child?
- What has been an unexpected comfort or source of joy this season?
- If you put together the ideal “cozy corner,” what would you include in it to enhance the sensory experience?
- What is one way you can practice self-compassion during a hectic holiday season?
- Is it easy or difficult for you to “get into the holiday spirit”? If it’s difficult, why?
- Come up with a “mindful moment” ritual for yourself that can be done any time, anywhere to help you feel grounded and calm.
- Express appreciation for everything your body does for you.
- What are some non-material things you’d like to receive or experience this Christmas?
- Come up with a “winter happy place”–a mental image of a winter scene that you can retreat to when you’re stressed. Describe it in detail, focusing on the sensory aspects.
- If you created a holiday soundtrack that represents your emotions this season, what songs would be must-picks?
- Write a letter to your inner child, tapping into the joy and childlike fun you want them to experience this season.
- What is one holiday-related act of kindness you can do for someone in December?
- Write up a self-care wish list for yourself, full of all the things you’d like to do to relax and recharge this month.
- What feelings does the idea of Christmas with your family bring up for you? Be open and honest.
- How are you really feeling as the days are becoming more and more like winter?
- Make a bullet point list for each of your favorite winter sights, sounds, smells, and tastes.
- Imagine a day without any self-criticism in your head making you question yourself. How would you feel and what would you achieve?
- Describe your perfect winter morning and night routines.
- What is one practical action you can take to add mindfulness to your mornings and nights?
- Describe your favorite winter scene in the place you grew up in as a child, and also in the place you live now.
- What is a fulfilling or enjoyable non-traditional holiday activity you want to try?
- Describe the taste of your favorite holiday treat. What feelings does it evoke?
- How can you get better at accepting or embracing the imperfect when it comes to the holidays?
- Reflect on a negative holiday experience you came out of stronger or more resilient.
- Reflect on a positive, cherished holiday memory that warms your heart.
- Have you ever given a loved one a handmade gift? What joy did it bring you, knowing you made it with your own hands?
- Explain how you’d like to walk into December with a fresh perspective in some aspect of your life.
December Self-Reflection for the End of the Year
It wouldn’t be a post on December journal prompts without some end of the year reflection journaling! These questions will help you look back on the last 12 months and look deeper at how things went. You might have experienced more personal growth than you thought!
- If you journaled at all this year, look back at old entries. How have your journaling, circumstances, and headspace evolved over the year?
- Describe a personal wish or aspiration you have for the upcoming year.
- Think of a challenging conversation you had this year and the confidence or competence you’ve gained from it.
- What is something you proved to yourself this year?
- Elaborate on a song that perfectly sums up your year. What makes it so relatable?
- If you could relive any magical moment from this year, what would it be?
- What’s the most surprising compliment or feedback you heard this year?
- Did you stumble upon any new passions or interests you didn’t expect?
- What about this year shocked you?
- What is the biggest turning point or realization you had about yourself?
- In what ways did you gain more clarity about the path you’re on?
- What got more confusing or complicated as the year went on?
- What became easier?
- What became harder?
- Reflect on a time where you responded to a stressful event in a healthier way than your “normal.” How did you feel and what did it show you?
- Did you receive any constructive criticism that helped you this year?
- Was there an important yearly goal you set that you achieved? How do you feel?
- Are there any goals you set earlier this year that didn’t work out? What changed in terms of your intentions, mindset, and discipline?
- What was the biggest fear you had to face? How did it contribute to your growth?
- In what ways did you step out of your comfort zone?
- Did you successfully implement any new habits? How has it enhanced your life?
- Have you noticed any improvements in your emotional intelligence and relationships?
- What is something you “got a better handle on” as the year progressed?
- Which limiting beliefs did you recognize you had?
- Describe a time where you felt most confident in your abilities. What was the impact?
- Were there any tough decisions you needed to make? What did it help you realize about your decision-making skills?
- What new or challenging things did you have to adapt to? How did you handle them?
- What boundaries did you get better at enforcing?
- Reflect on something you’ve gotten less self-conscious of.
- How did you empower someone else in your life this year?
Click to make sense of your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors for better stress management!

How to Use Journal Prompts Effectively
Not to say there’s a “right” and “wrong” way to journal, but getting a feel for how to approach these December writing prompts will help you get the most benefit out of them.
Tip #1: Be open and honest, and don’t hold back.
To get the most out of your journaling practice and truly reap the self-care support that come with journaling, you really need to let it all out on the page. Remember that as you try these December journal prompts.
It can be uncomfortable to get all close and personal with our innermost thoughts, but leaving your thoughts and feelings unaddressed won’t give you that “relief” that makes journaling so therapeutic.
The best way to practice getting comfortable with letting out all your unfiltered thoughts is to try a brain dump, where you let your thoughts flow onto paper as they come to you–completely naturally.
You can try my ultimate brain dump trigger list to get those thoughts flowing!
Tip #2: Make it easy
If you have to walk to another room or go out of your way to pick up your journal, chances are it won’t be appealing to write in it. We humans love the path of least resistance and feel deterred by difficult things!
So keep your journal visible and reachable. For example, if you’re a morning journaler, always keep your journal on your coffee table while you sip your morning coffee. Like journaling on your lunch break? Keep your journal at the corner of your desk. Make your routine of these daily December prompts work for you!
Tip #3: Remember that you can’t do it wrong!
Many people overthink the journaling process. You’ve probably seen all those aesthetic, well-kept journals by pretty girls on Tik Tok. But the fact is, there’s no one way to journal.
You don’t have to be super organized in your writing. You can write in short, choppy blurbs. You don’t have to have pretty handwriting. And you don’t even have to have a paper journal if a digital journal is simply more convenient for you to stick to.
All that matters is using things like these journal prompts for December in a way that provides YOU positivity. Journaling is your self-care time, so do it the way you please!
Daily December Journaling to Help You Manage the Holiday Hustle
If you wanna save your sanity during a busy December, these December journal prompts are your toolkit to do so. So…use them to your advantage!
As easy as it is to get caught up in busy-bee mode during the holidays, you have to be even more intentional about stepping away when you’re overwhelmed!
I challenge you to take just 10 minutes each day to initiate or wind down your day with these prompts. You may just be surprised at the difference it can make for your self-care and well-being.
More Journal Prompts + Self Care for This Season
December Self Care: 20 Ideas to Calm the Hustle and Bustle
50 Cozy Christmas Journal Prompts for Adults
31 December Affirmations to Lift Your Holiday Spirits
Holiday Self Care Checklist: 12 Days of Caring For Yourself
8 Unique Ways to Defeat Christmas Overwhelm